Women's Refuge Tamaki Makaurau provides support and advocacy for wahine and tāmariki who are experiencing family violence.

Women's Refuge Tamaki Makaurau provides support and advocacy for wahine and tāmariki who are experiencing family violence.

Women's Refuge Tamaki Makaurau provides support and advocacy for wahine and tāmariki who are experiencing family violence.

Women's Refuge Tamaki Makaurau provides support and advocacy for wahine and tāmariki who are experiencing family violence.

Our Mission

We envision a future where family violence is eradicated from our communities. Our mission is to provide immediate safety for those in need, and to educate and advocate for societal change to prevent family violence.

We envision a future where family violence is eradicated from our communities. Our mission is to provide immediate safety for those in need, and to educate and advocate for societal change to prevent family violence.

What We Do

We provide vital services to those affected by family violence, including safe housing, advocacy, and educational programs. Our safe housing offers a secure and comforting space for those in crisis.

We provide vital services to those affected by family violence, including safe housing, advocacy, and educational programs. Our safe housing offers a secure and comforting space for those in crisis.

Help Our Cause

Your involvement is crucial in our quest to combat family violence. By volunteering, donating, or spreading awareness, you can make a significant impact. Whether it's through time or resources, your contribution supports our mission and empowers those in need.

Your involvement is crucial in our quest to combat family violence. By volunteering, donating, or spreading awareness, you can make a significant impact. Whether it's through time or resources, your contribution supports our mission and empowers those in need.

Since our inception, Women's Refuge Tamaki Makaurau has been dedicated to providing a safe haven for women and children escaping family violence. Our mission is to empower those affected by offering support, advocacy, and education, fostering a community where every individual can live free from fear and harm.

About Us

Women's Refuge Tāmaki Makaurau provides support and advocacy for wahine and tāmariki who are experiencing family violence.

About Us

Women's Refuge Tāmaki Makaurau provides support and advocacy for wahine and tāmariki who are experiencing family violence.

About Us

Women's Refuge Tāmaki Makaurau provides support and advocacy for wahine and tāmariki who are experiencing family violence.